1.Due to the vast amount of data being collected today, it is often not feasible to store the data first before analyzing it.
2.The vast amount of debt at every level also raises the question whether the pool of savings is large enough to absorb it all.
3.Learn more about this standard that IBM produced to help organize its vast amount of data.
4.nevertheless, I never cease to be amazed by the vast amount of knowledge and life experiences they relate to me.
5.After all, the plan worked: It has now taken over a vast amount of manufacturing from the U. S.
6.Now this young man did not have a vast amount of money but wanted to play anyway so he threw a quarter of his money in the pot.
7.Satellites orbiting round the earth have provided scientists with a vast amount of information about conditions in outer space.
8.Due to the vast amount of software, middleware, and hardware domains in existence today, the need for an extension to the platform arises.
9.It may be that the vast amount of blood that accumalates in the muscle actually tears down the muscle fiber due to pressure.
10.The Bad News: The vast amount of toxins in our environment create a real challenge for your body's built-in detoxification system.